Milutin Radonjic

Personal info

Date of birth: July 9, 1966

Place of birth: Belgrade, Serbia

Citizenship: Montenegro


PhD, May 2011 - University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Major: Communication networks

PhD Thesis: "CQ switch performance analysis from the point of size and algorithms of queues management"

MSc, February 1997 - University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Major: Computer Engineering

MSc Thesis: "Microprocessor based switching exchange"

Grade average: 10.0 (out of 10.0)

BSc, October 1991 - University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Major: Electrical Engineering - Electronics and Telecommunications

Grade average: 9.56 (out of 10.0)

Areas of interest and expertise

Switching systems

Digital system design

Embedded systems

Computer networks

Internet of Things


Fluent in English

Montenegrin (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian) - native

Other skills

  • Hardware: IBM PC and compatible,  PC (Intel) based servers, Ethernet LAN equipment,  Computer interfaces and peripherals, Microcontrollers and embedded systems.
  • Operating Systems: VMS, MS DOS, MS Windows 3.1/95/98/Me/2000/XP/ Vista/7, Novel NetWare, MS Windows NT/2000/2003 Server, Linux.
  • Programming Languages: C, Pascal, FORTRAN, Basic, Assembler (Intel 8031 and Atmel), C++
  • Applications: OrCad, Tango, PSpice, Xilinx ISE Design Suite, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Power Point, MS Front Page, MS Visio, CorelDraw, Communications software...
  • Other: HTML, SQL, XML, Verilog

Professional experience


October 2022 - present: Professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Courses: Basics of Computer Engineering I, Digital System Design, Informatics, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Programmable Platforms, Mobile Application Programming

October 2017 - October 2022: Associate professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Courses: Basics of Computer Engineering I, Digital System Design, Informatics

September 2012 - October 2017: Assistant professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Courses: Basics of Computer Engineering I, Digital System Design, Informatics

October1991-August 2012: Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

Academic teaching and research responsibilities at the Department for Computers.


November 1991 - November 1996: External Associate at EMI - Electro Mechanical Engineering, Podgorica, Montenegro

Project member on numerous projects:
- Microprocessor based blanking machine,
- Microprocessor based weighing-machine,
- Microprocessor based interface for connecting several devices to one printer,
- Automatic regulation of coffee flowing in factory mills,
- Automatic acquisition of telephone impulses for charging telephone subscribers,
- "Cabin's interface" - device for supervising telephone cabins (up to 16) in post offices.
- Small local telephone exchange.
- Digital recorder of telephone calls.
- Microprocessor based garage controller.

December 1996 - June 2008: External Advisor at Alatel d.o.o., Podgorica, Montenegro

External consultant for Personal computer hardware, Intel based servers, Ethernet networking, Small and Medium telephone exchanges, Computer's peripherals and Internet.

Professional duties

March 2023 - present: Editor in Chief for Journal "ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering"

April 2021 - present: The representative of Montenegro in the Digitalization, Industry and Space Program Committee within the Horizon Europe program

May 2019 - present: Member of the Committee for Information and Communication Technologies of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts.

August 2016 - August 2019: Vice Dean for Research and Development - Faculty of EE, University of Montenegro

January 2014 - March 2023: Journal "ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering" Editorial board member

August 2013 - August 2016: Vice Dean for Research and Development - Faculty of EE, University of Montenegro

August 2013 - present: Quality management representative at Laboratory for measuring level of the electromagnetic emissions

June 2013 - July 2020: Member of Technical committee for Information technologies with Institute for Standardization of Montenegro

June 2007 - June 2012: Appointed Court expert in Electronics and Telecommunications

Editorial and professional/scientific duties

Honors and Awards

  • Award for the best student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, academic year 1988/89
  • Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro stipend for talented students, 1988 - 1991.


International Scientific Journals

  1. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Cvorovic J., Yoshigoe K., "Iterative throughput calculation for crosspoint queued switch", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol E93-B, No 12, December 2010, pp. 3635-3638, ISSN: 0916-8516 (print version), ISSN : 1745-1345 (Online).
  2. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Impact of scheduling algorithms on performance of crosspoint-queued switch", Annals of Telecommunications, Vol 66, No 5-6, May/June 2011, pp.363-376, ISSN: 0003-4347 (print version), ISSN: 1958-9395 (electronic version),
    DOI: 10.1007/s12243-010-0214-y.
  3. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Maljevic I., Banovic D., "CQ Switch Analysis under Traffic Overload", Telfor Journal, Vol.3, No.1, 2011., pp. 19 – 22, ISSN: 1821-3251.
  4. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Simurina A., Banovic D., "A New Analytical Model for the CQ Switch Performance Analysis under the Bursty Traffic", IEICE Transaction on Communications, Vol.E95-B, No.2, February 2012, pp.595-598, ISSN: 0916-8516 (print version), ISSN: 1745-1345 (Online).
  5. Radusinovic I., Radonjic M., Simurina A., Maljevic I., Veljovic Z., "A new analytical model for the CQ switch throughput calculation under the bursty traffic", International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), Vol. 66, No 12, December 2012, pp.1038– 1041, ISSN: 1434-8411.
  6. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Maljevic I., "Packet Delay Variation Analysis of the CQ Switch", Telfor Journal, Vol.4, No.1, 2012., pp. 8-13, ISSN: 1821-3251.
  7. Gardasevic G., Divanovic S., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "A QoS-aware Dual Crosspoint Queued switch with Largest Weighted Occupancy First scheduling algorithm", IEICE Transaction on Communications, Vol.E98-B, No.01, January 2015, pp. 201-208, ISSN: 0916-8516 (print version), ISSN: 1745-1345 (Online).
  8. Gardasevic G., Veletic M., Maletic N., Vasiljevic D., Radusinovic I., Tomovic S., Radonjic M., "The IoT Architectural Framework, Design Issues and Application Domains", Wireless Personal Communications, Vol 92, No 1, January 2017, pp. 127-148, ISSN: 0929-6212, (print version), ISSN: 1572-834X (Online). DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3842-3 link
  9. Radonjic M., Ljumovic N., Misovic D., Maljevic I., Yoshigoe K., Radusinovic I., "CQ Ethernet Switch Implementation on the NetFPGA Platform", Wireless Personal Communications, Vol 92, No 1, January 2017, pp. 5-19, ISSN: 0929-6212, (print version), ISSN: 1572-834X (Online). DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3835-2 link
  10. Hadzovic S., Mrdovic S., Radonjic M., "Identification of IoT Actors", Sensors, Vol. 21, No 6, Article 2093, 2021, ISSN: 1424-8220. DOI: 10.3390/s21062093 link
  11. Zaric N., Radonjic M., Pavlicevic N., Paunovic Zaric S., "Design of a Kitchen-Monitoring and Decision-Making System to Support AAL Applications", Sensors, Vol. 21, No 13, Article 4449, 2021, ISSN: 1424-8220. DOI: 10.3390/s21134449 link
  12. Radonjic M., Vujnovic S., Krstic A., Zecevic Z. "IoT System for Detecting the Condition of Rotating Machines Based on Acoustic Signals", Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No 9, Article 4385, 2022, ISSN: 2076-3417. DOI: 10.3390/app12094385 link
  13. Radonjic M., Zecevic Z., Krstajic B., "An IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring of DC Motor Overload", Electronics, Vol. 11, No 10, Article 1555, 2022, ISSN: 2079-9292. DOI: 10.3390/electronics11101555 link
  14. Hadzovic S., Mrdovic S., Radonjic M., "A Path Towards an Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Framework", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 61, No 7, pp. 90-96, July 2023, ISSN: 0163-6804. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.002.2200373 link
  15. Milla, E., Radonjić, M., "Analysis of Developing Native Android Applications Using XML and Jetpack Compose" Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 6(2),

National Journals

  1. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Performance analysis of crossbar switches with buffers in crosspoints", ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 83-96, November 2009, YU ISSN 0353-5207.
  2. Simurina A., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "A new analytical model for the CQ switch performance analysis under the IBP traffic", ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 111-127, October 2011, YU ISSN 0353-5207.
  3. Tomovic S., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Quagga routing platform: application and performance", ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 126-135, September 2014, ISSN 0354-8653.
  4. Tomic M., Radonjic M., Lekic N., Radusinovic I., "Virtualization in OpenFlow Networks", ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 136-145, September 2014, ISSN 0354-8653.
  5. Tomovic S., Radonjic M., Pejanovic-Djurisic M.., Radusinovic I., "Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks: Opportunities and Challenges", ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.21, No.1, pp. 74-83, December 2015, ISSN 0354-8653.

International Conference Proceedings

  1. Radonjic M., Mijanovic Z., "Cabin's interface", 32th International Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications, Automation and Nuclear Engineering (ETAN), Proceedings Vol. VII-A, pp. 201 - 206, Belgrade, 1993.
  2. Krstajic B., Radonjic M., Raonic D., "A pulsewidth modulator for an inverter-fed drive system", International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE '94), Proceedings Vol. 1, pp. 114 - 117, Košice, Slovakia, 1994.
  3. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Veljovic Z., "Performance analysis of LPF based VOQ crossbar switches", Proc. of Eurocon 2009, pp. 1839-1846, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, May 2009. DOI: 10.1109/EURCON.2009.5167896
  4. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Buffer length impact to crosspoint queued crossbar switch performance", Proc. of 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (Melecon 2010), pp. 119-124, Valletta, Malta, April 2010. DOI: 10.1109/MELCON.2010.5476326
  5. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Buffer Length Impact to 32x32 Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Switch Performance", Proc. of 15th IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2010), pp. 954-959, Riccione, Italy, June 2010. DOI: 10.1109/ISCC.2010.5546762
  6. Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Average Latency and Loss Probability Analysis of Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Switches", Proc. of 52nd International Symposium ELMAR-2010, pp. 203-206, Zadar, Croatia, September 2010.
  7. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Maljevic I., "Performance Comparison of CQ Selection Policies", Proc. of IEEE Eurocon 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2011.
  8. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Veljovic Z., Maljevic I., "Performance evaluation of Crosspoint Queued Switch Under the Heavy Traffic", Proc. of 16th IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications  (ISCC 2011), pp. 943-949, Corfu, Greece, June 2011. DOI: 10.1109/ISCC.2011.5983963
  9. Misovic D., Ljumovic N., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Implementation of the Crosspoint-Queued Switch's Output Controller on the NetFPGA Platform", Proc. of 53rd International Symposium ELMAR-2011, pp. 235-238, Zadar, Croatia, September 2011.
  10. Ljumović N., Mišović D., Radusinović I., Radonjić M., Banović D., "Buffer size impact on the CQ Ethernet switch performance", Proc. of 19th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2011, pp. 186-189, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2011. DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR.2011.6143522
  11. Radonjić M., Radusinović I., Banović D., Maljević I., "Packet delay variation analysis of the CQ switch under uniform traffic", Proc. of 19th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2011, pp. 190-193, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2011. DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR.2011.6143523
  12. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Maljevic I., "Packet Delay Variance Analysis of the CQ Switch Under the Unbalanced Traffic", Proc. of 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (Melecon 2012), pp. 1005-1008, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, March 2012. DOI: 10.1109/MELCON.2012.6196597
  13. Divanovic S., Kovacevic V., Radonjic M., Yoshigoe K., Radusinovic I., "Crosspoint Queued Switch Performance Analysis Under Multicast Traffic", Proc. of 20th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 226-229, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2012. DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR.2012.6419187
  14. Radonjic M., Maljevic I., Lekic N., Radusinovic I., "Performance Analysis of Variable Packet Size Crosspoint-Queued Switch", Proc. of IEEE Eurocon 2013, pp. 673-678, Zagreb, Croatia, July 2013. DOI: 10.1109/EUROCON.2013.6625053
  15. Divanovic S., Radonjic M., Gardasevic G., Radusinovic I., "Performance analysis of Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Switch with Weighted Round Robin scheduling algorithm under Unbalanced Bursty Traffic", Proc. of IEEE ISCC 2013, pp. 120-124, Split, Croatia, July 2013.
  16. Maletic N., Divanovic S., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Gardasevic G., "Performance Evaluation of Dual Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Packet Switch", Proc. of TELSIKS 2013, pp. 145-148, Nis, Serbia, October 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TELSKS.2013.6704910
  17. Divanovic S., Radonjic M., Gardasevic G., Radusinovic I., "Dynamic Weighted Round Robin in Crosspoint Queued Switch", Proc. of 21th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2013, pp. 109-112, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2013. DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR.2013.6716184
  18. Radusinovic I, Divanovic S., Radonjic M., "Analysis of WRR Scheduling Algorithm Frame Size Impact on CQ switch Performance", Proc. of 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (Melecon 2014), pp. 403-407, Beirut, Lebanon, April 2014. DOI: 10.1109/MELCON.2014.6820568
  19. Zaric N., Radonjic M., Kyriazakos S., Pejanovic-Djurisic M., "Automated Algorithm for Classification of Water-flow Signals to Support Ambient Assisted Living Applications", Proc. of 22nd Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2014, pp. 31-34, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2014.
  20. Zaric N., Radonjic M., Pejanovic-Djurisic M., Radusinovic I., "An Example of Monitoring System with Reasoning Module for Ambient Assisted Living Application", Proc. of IEEE Eurocon 2015, pp. 30-35, Salamanka, Spain, September 2015.
  21. Gardasevic G., Veletic M., Maletic N., Radusinovic I., Radonjic M., "An Overview of Internet of Things Architectural Frameworks, Design Issues and Application Domains", 4th Annual CTIF-SEE Workshop, Budva, Montenegro, September 2015.
  22. Tomovic S., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Bandwidth-Delay Constrained Routing Algorithms for Backbone SDN Networks", Proc. of TELSIKS 2015, pp. 227-230, Nis, Serbia, October 2015.
  23. Savic T., Radonjic M., "One Approach to Weather Station Design Based on Raspberry Pi Platform", Proc. of 23rd Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2015, pp. 623-626, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2015.
  24. Savic T., Radonjic M., "Proposal of Solution for Automated Irrigation System", Proc. of 24th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2016, pp. 647-650, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2016.
  25. Mitrovic A., Djukanovic S., Radonjic M., "Implementation of Signal Classification Using Frequency Spectrum Features on the Raspberry Pi Platform", Proc. of 25th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2017, pp. 366-369, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2017.
  26. Savic T., Radonjic M., "WSN Architecture for Smart Irrigation System", Proc. 23rd Conference on Information Technologies IT 18, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2018.
  27. Radonjić M., Kvaščev G., Radulović M. and Krstajić B., "One Example of Mobile Hardware Platform for Sound Acquisition in Industrial Environment", Proc. 24th Conference on Information Technologies IT 20, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2020.
  28. Pavlićević N., Žarić N. and Radonjić M., "Analysis of Ultrasound Sensor Applicability in AAL Systems for Cooking Process Monitoring", Proc. 24th Conference on Information Technologies IT 20, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2020.
  29. Radonjić M. and Krstajić B., "An Approach to Data Transfer in System for Sound Acquisition in Industrial Environment", Proc. 25th Conference on Information Technologies IT 21, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2021.
  30. Radonjić M., Krstajić B. and Zečević Ž., "IoT system for short-circuit detection of DC motor at EKG-15 excavator", Proc. 1st International Conference ETIMA, Shtip, North Macedonia, October 2021.
  31. Anđelić B., Radonjic M., Djukanović S., "Sound-based logging detection using deep learning", Proc. of 30th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2022, pp. 1-4, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2022.
  32. Stanovčić I. Bošnjak R., Radonjić M., Krstajić B., "Proposal for Improved Navigation Safety of Non Solas Vessels by Combining TSS And IoT Technology", Proc. 27th Conference on Information Technologies IT 23, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2023.
  33. Stanovcic, I., Radonjic, M., Kocan, E., Skrbic, B. & Krstajic, B., "An Approach to the Collision Detection of Non-SOLAS Vessels Using the Concept of e-Navigation", Proc. 28th Conference on Information Technologies IT 24, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2024., DOI: 10.1109/IT61232.2024.10475730
  34. Kočan, E., Radonjić, M., Stanovčić, I., Krstajić, B., "Telecommunication Systems in Proposed Solution for E-Navigation of Non-SOLAS Vessels ", Proc. 42nd Symposium on New Technologies in Postal and Telecommunication Traffic, pp.259-268, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2024., DOI:

Regional Conferences

  1. Radonjic M., Krstajic B., Raonic D., "A Generation of PWM Signals by Numerical Method", 9th Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM '94, pp. 247-253, Budva, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1994.
  2. Krstajic B., Radonjic M., Uskokovic Z., Raonic D., "The OFT Method for Identification of Nonparametric Models", 9th Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM '94, pp. 293-298, Budva, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1994.
  3. Radonjic M., Krstajic B., Radusinovic J., "Modification of Dijkstras algorithm for implementation in communication systems", Presented on 10th Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM '95, Budva, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1995.
  4. Krstajic B., Uskokovic Z., Radonjic M., "Implementation of adaptive algorithm for identification of system", Presented on 10th Conference on Applied Mathematics PRIM '95, Budva, Montenegro, Yugoslavia, 1995.
  5. Radonjic M., Mijanovic Z., "One implementation of microprocessors telephone switching exchange", Sinfon '95, Zlatibor, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1995.
  6. Radonjic M., "Selftariffing within cabin interface", 10th Conference on Information Technologies IT 05, pp. 226-229, Žabljak, Montenegro, 2005.
  7. Radonjic M., "Application of non-stationary switching at systems with different capacity", 11th Conference on Information Technologies IT 06, pp. 138-141, Žabljak, Montenegro, 2006.
  8. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Performance Analysis of LPF Based VOQ Crossbar Switches", 16th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2008, pp. 222-225, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2008.
  9. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "An example of crossbar switch scheduler hardware implementation", 14th Conference on Information Technologies IT 09, pp. 7-10, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2009.
  10. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Performance evaluation of 32x32 LPF based crossbar switches", 53rd conference for electronics, telecommunications, computers, automatic control and nuclear engineering (ETRAN), Vrnjacka banja, Serbia, June 2009.
  11. Cvorovic J., Radusinovic I., Radonjic M., "Buffering in Crosspoint-Queued Switch", Proc. of 17th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2009, pp. 198-201, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2009.
  12. Ugren B., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Packet traffic generator based on the NETFPGA platform", Proc. of 17th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2009, pp. 282-285, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2009.
  13. Ugren B., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "NETFPGA platform for active network device implementation", 15th Conference on Information Technologies IT 10, pp. 107-110, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
  14. Misovic D., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Implementation of serial communication with Spartan 3E FPGA development platform", 15th Conference on Information Technologies IT 10, pp. 115-118, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
  15. Ljumovic N., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Implementation example of the TCP/IP/Ethernet communication between PC and Spartan 3E FPGA board", 15th Conference on Information Technologies IT 10, pp. 131-134, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
  16. Cvorovic J., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Crosspoint-queued switch performance", 15th Conference on Information Technologies IT 10, pp. 123-126, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2010.
  17. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Memory requirements for crosspoint queued crossbar switch implementation", Scientific – Professional Symposium Infoteh-Jahorina 2010, Vol. 9, Ref. B-II-13, pp. 232-236, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2010.
  18. Mišović D., Vučinić M., Radonjić M., Radusinović I., Veljović Z., "Primjer realizacije ethernet switch-a na NETFPGA platformi", INFOFEST 2010, pp. 214-224, Budva, Montenegro, Sept.-Oct. 2010.
  19. Ljumović N., Odalović M., Radonjić M., Radusinović I., Veljović Z., "Testiranje ethernet switch-a realizovanog na NetFPGA razvojnoj platformi", INFOFEST 2010, pp. 278-288, Budva, Montenegro, Sept.-Oct. 2010.
  20. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., Maljevic I., Banovic D., "CQ switch analysis under the traffic overload", Proc. of 18th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2010, pp. 227-230, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2010.
  21.  Ljumovic N., Misovic D., Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "CQ Ethernet switch implementation on the NETFPGA platform", Proc. of 18th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2010, pp. 223-226, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2010.
  22. Šimurina A., Radusinović I., Radonjić M., Veljović Z., "Throughput analysis of 2x2 crosspoint queued crossbar switch with one-cell buffers under the bursty incoming traffic", 16th Conference on Information Technologies IT 11, pp. 98-101, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2011.
  23. Ljumović N., Mišović D., Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Register system for performance analysis of CQ ethernet switch implemented on the NetFPGA platform", 16th Conference on Information Technologies IT 11, pp. 218-221, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2011.
  24. Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Analiza varijacije kašnjenja paketa kod krosbar komutatora sa baferima u ukrsnim tačkama", Scientific – Professional Symposium Infoteh-Jahorina 2011, Vol. 10, Ref. B-III-8, pp. 224-228, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2011.
  25. Ljumović N., Mišović D., Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Hardverska realizacija tabele prosleđivanja CQ ethernet komutatora", Proc. 55th ETRAN Conference, Banja Vrućica, June 2011.
  26. Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Analysis of the impact of the LQF algorithm modification on the CQ switch performance", Proc. 17th Conference on Information Technologies IT 12, pp. 64-67, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2012.
  27. Kovačević V., Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Analysis of Multicast Traffic Modeling", Proc. 18th Conference on Information Technologies IT 13, pp. 149-152, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2013.
  28. Divanović S., Radonjić M., Maletić N., Veletić M., Kosić D.,Gardašević G., Radusinović I., "Scheduling Algorithms with QoS Support for Crosspoint Queued Crossbar Switch", Proc. 18th Conference on Information Technologies IT 13, pp. 153-156, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2013.
  29. Divanovic S., Radonjic M., Gardasevic G., Radusinovic I., "Analysis of CQ Switch Maximum Delay Under Bursty Traffic", Scientific - Professional Symposium Infoteh-Jahorina 2013, Vol. 12, Ref. KST-3-8, pp. 460-463, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2013.
  30. Kovačević V., Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Performance Analysis of CQ Packet Switch Under Several Multicast Incoming Traffic Models", Proc. 57th ETRAN Conference, pp. TE1.4.1-6, Zlatibor, June 2013.
  31. Divanović S., Radonjić M., Gardašević G., Radusinović I., "Performance analysis of CQ switch for different frames of WRR scheduling algorithm", Proc. 57th ETRAN Conference, pp. TE1.3.1-6, Zlatibor, June 2013.
  32. Tomić M, Radonjić M., Lekić N., Radusinović I., "Network Virtualization With Flowvisor Tool", Proc. 19th Conference on Information Technologies IT 14, pp. 64-67, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2014.
  33. Tomović S, Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Implementation of RIP and OSPF Protocols On Quagga Platform", Proc. 19th Conference on Information Technologies IT 14, pp. 68-71, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2014.
  34. Šabotić R., Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "Distribution of Universal Coordinated Time", Proc. 19th Conference on Information Technologies IT 14, pp. 72-75, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2014.
  35. Ratković M., Tomović S., Žarić N., Radonjić M., Radusinović I., "SDN Network Emulation with Mininet Software Tool", Proc. 20th Conference on Information Technologies IT 15, pp. 80-83, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2015.
  36. Tomović S., Radonjić M., Pejanović Đurišić M., Radusinović I., "Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks", Proc. 20th Conference on Information Technologies IT 15, pp. 84-87, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2015.
  37. Savic T., Radonjic M., "One Solution for Remote Control Through Internet Application", Proc. 21st Conference on Information Technologies IT 16, pp. 181 - 184, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2016.
  38. Popovic T., Radonjic M., Zecevic Z., Krstajic B., "An IOT Cloud Solution Based on Open Source Tools", Proc. 21st Conference on Information Technologies IT 16, pp. 117 - 120, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2016.
  39. Maletic N., Gardasevic G., Radusinovic I., Radonjic M., "Impact of Unequal Buffer Lengths on DCQ Switch QoS-Awareness", Scientific - Professional Symposium Infoteh-Jahorina 2016, Vol. 15, Ref. KST-1-9, pp. 242-246, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2016.
  40. Savic T., Bajagic B., Knezevic M., Radonjic M., "Method for Measuring Released Amount of Water in Smart Irrigation System", Proc. 22nd Conference on Information Technologies IT 17, pp. 161 - 164, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2017.
  41. Radman V., Radonjić M., "Arduino-based System for Soil Moisture Measurement", Proc. 22nd Conference on Information Technologies IT 17, pp. 289 - 292, Žabljak, Montenegro, February 2017.

Invited papers

  1. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "Performance Analysis of LPF Based VOQ Crossbar Switches", Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Podgorica, Montenegro, March 2009.
    Published in “Mobile and wireless communications: state of art and perspectives”, Scientific Meetings Volume 97, The Section of Natural Sciences, Volume 12, pp. 111-131.
  2. Radonjic M., Radusinovic I., "CQ Switch Performance Analysis from the Point of Buffer Size and Scheduling Algorithms", Proc. of 20th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2012, pp. 210-217, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2012. DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR.2012.6419185

Invited speaker

  1. Radonjic M., "The Smart Irrigation System Development - Multidisciplinary Approach", Symposium on Technology enriched Classroom: Policy, Technology, and Inquiry Learning; Workshop on Multi-disciplinary Research: Technology, Education and Innovations, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2018.
  2. Radonjic M., "IoT - areas of application, challenges and perspectives", Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Podgorica, Montenegro, June 2019.

Text books

  1. Radonjic M., Mijanovic Z., "Computer's Peripherals and Interfaces", lecturing material, 1993.
  2. Radonjic M., "Introduction to Computers - Solved Problems", lecturing material, 1994.
  3. Mijanovic Z., Dlabac A., Radonjic M., at all, "Computer's Peripherals and Interfaces", University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 1999. ISBN: 86-81039-32-6
  4. Stankovic Lj., Ivanovic V., Radonjic M., "Introduction to Computers", Podgorica, 2016. In original: "Osnovi računarstva". ISBN: 978-9940-9786-0-0; COBISS.CG-ID: 31354384
  5. Radonjic M., "Introduction to Computers - Solved Problems", University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2016. In original: "Osnovi računarstva I - Zbirka riješenih zadataka". ISBN: 978-86-7664-134-5; COBISS.CG-ID: 30508304

Project management and participation

  1. UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO INFORMATION SYSTEM, University of Montenegro, project team member, 1996.
  2. RESEARCH OF SWITCHING FABRIC STRUCTURE IMPACT TO NETFPGA BASED PACKET SWITCHING PERFORMANCE, Montenegrin national ICT project funded by Montenegrin Ministry of education and science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, project member, 2008 - 2011.
  3. Development of Quality Infrastructure in Montenegro, IPA Programme, AFNOR, Junior Non Key Expert, Database application development, 2011.
  4. DATA TRAFFIC MONITORING AND ANALYSIS (TMA): theory, techniques, tools and applications for the future networks, COST, May 2011 - March 2012.
  5. DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE INTERNET ROUTER ON PROGRAMMABLE HARDWARE AND OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE PLATFORMS, Montenegrin national ICT project funded by Montenegrin Ministry of science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, project member, 2012-2015.
  6. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF CQ PACKET SWITCHES FROM THE POINT OF QOS GUARANTEES, bilateral scientific cooperation Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro, project member, 2012-2014.
  7. ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF DCQ SWITCH, bilateral scientific cooperation Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro, project member, 2014-2016.
  8. Fostering innovation based research for e-Montenegro - FORE-MONT, EU FP7 funded project through REGPOT scheme, Work package leader, 2013-2016.
  9. EWALL FOR ACTIVE LONG LIVING - eWALL, EU FP7 funded project, International consortium, member of Montenegrin team, 2013-2016.
  10. CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN BIOINFORMATICS - BIO-ICT, Work package leader, 2014-2016.
  11. Device for FAult and STate detection of Rotary machineries based on acoustic signals - FASTER, bilateral scientific cooperation Serbia-Montenegro, project member, 2019-2022
  12. National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe - NI4OS-Europe, Horizon 2020 funded project, International consortium, Project Quality Assurance Coordinator and member of Montenegrin team, 2019 - 2023

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